
How To Get Over Weed Withdrawal Domain_10

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Am J Addict. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 May 1.

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PMCID: PMC3986824


Cannabis Withdrawal in Chronic, Frequent Cannabis Smokers during Sustained Abstinence within a Closed Residential Surroundings

Dayong Lee, MS,1 Jennifer R. Schroeder, PhD,ii Erin L. Karschner, PhD,1 Robert Due south. Goodwin, DO, PhD,1 Jussi Hirvonen, MD, PhD,three David A. Gorelick, MD, PhD,one and Marilyn A. Huestis, PhD1

Dayong Lee

1Chemistry and Drug Metabolism, National Constitute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Health, Baltimore, MD

Jennifer R. Schroeder

twoOffice of the Clinical Director, Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Health, Baltimore, Doctor

Erin Fifty. Karschner

1Chemistry and Drug Metabolism, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Wellness, Baltimore, MD

Robert S. Goodwin

oneChemistry and Drug Metabolism, National Found on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Health, Baltimore, MD

Jussi Hirvonen

3Molecular Imaging Branch, National Institute of Mental Wellness, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

David A. Gorelick

oneChemical science and Drug Metabolism, National Establish on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Health, Baltimore, MD

Marilyn A. Huestis

1Chemical science and Drug Metabolism, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Health, Baltimore, MD



Chronic, frequent cannabis smokers may experience residuum and offset effects, withdrawal, and craving when abstaining from the drug. We characterized the prevalence, duration, and intensity of these furnishings in chronic frequent cannabis smokers during abstinence on a closed research unit.


Not-treatment-seeking participants (N=29 on admission, 66% and 34% remaining after ii and 4 weeks) provided subjective effects data. A battery of five instruments was computer-administered daily to measure psychological, sensory, and concrete symptoms associated with cannabinoid intoxication and withdrawal. Plasma and oral fluid specimens were concurrently collected and analyzed for cannabinoids. Effect variables were evaluated as change from access (Twenty-four hours 0) with regression models.


Most abstinence furnishings, including irritability and anxiety were greatest on Days 0–3 and decreased thereafter. Cannabis craving significantly decreased over time, whereas decreased appetite began to normalize on Day iv. Strange dreams and difficulty getting to sleep increased over time, suggesting intrinsic slumber problems in chronic cannabis smokers. Symptoms probable induced by remainder drug furnishings were at maximum intensity on admission and positively correlated with plasma and oral fluid cannabinoid concentrations on admission but not afterwards; these symptoms showed overall prevalence higher than cannabis withdrawal symptoms.


The combined influence of residual/first drug effects, withdrawal and craving was observed in chronic cannabis smokers during monitored abstinence. Abstinence symptoms were generally more intense in the initial phase, implying importance of early intervention in cannabis quit attempts. Sleep disturbance persisting for an extended period suggests that hypnotic medications could be beneficial in treating cannabis dependence.


Cannabis use disorders are a meaning global public health trouble.1 In 2011, four.two million Americans aged 12 years or older met diagnostic criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Transmission of Mental Disorders, fourth edition [DSM-Iv]) for cannabis dependence or abuse.2

Cannabis withdrawal is an important component of cannabis dependence. In the United states of america, 34% of frequent cannabis smokers who never abused other substances reported experiencing ≥three cannabis withdrawal symptoms.three Moreover, 65–70% of cannabis smokers reported relief of abstinence effects as a factor in their relapse to cannabis intake,4–5 suggesting that withdrawal symptoms can serve as negative reinforcement for relapse and, thereby, hinder quit attempts. Physical and psychological distress from cannabis withdrawal (due east.1000., sleep disturbance, anxiety, appetite loss) were reported as associated with severity of cannabis dependence and relapse.6 Thus, improve characterizing cannabis withdrawal may improve treatment. Because the symptom contour, time course, and severity of withdrawal may differ depending on environment,7 it is important to evaluate inpatient cannabis forbearance effects. The effects could exist less severe than those in outpatient settings due to lack of environmental stimuli associated with cannabis smoking.8

Early descriptive inpatient studies evaluated up to 28 days of abstinence, but did not ascertain the time course of withdrawal symptoms.9–ten A more recent 4-twenty-four hour period inpatient study found peak symptom intensity generally on the fourth day,11 while a 10-day report found pinnacle intensity at admission.12 Nonetheless, there has been limited attempt to distinguish cannabis withdrawal phenomena from residual drug effects and drug starting time effects (i.east., unmasking of pre-existing characteristics suppressed by cannabis intake that may not return to baseline level, such equally irritability or disturbed sleep) that may too be experienced by individuals abnegation from cannabis use.13–fourteen An boosted confound in inpatient studies is the effect of residing in an unfamiliar inpatient environment, east.g., anxiety and disturbed slumber.15

Biological drug testing can provide objective evidence of cannabis intake, particularly valuable in the field of cannabis use disorders treatment. Oral fluid (OF) or saliva is a promising alternative matrix for drug monitoring in clinical and forensic programs. OF testing offers not-invasive sample collection under direct observation. Our recent studies demonstrated that plasma and OF tests can place recent cannabis exposure, especially with identification of THC-glucuronide, or minor cannabinoids [east.g., cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN)].xvi–xviii

In the nowadays study, nosotros characterized the time course of cannabis withdrawal in not-treatment-seeking chronic cannabis smokers residing on a closed research unit. Data were nerveless for up to 30 days, with concurrent measurement of plasma and OF cannabinoid concentrations. We hypothesized that significant positive or negative associations between cannabinoid concentrations and symptoms would let distinction between cannabis withdrawal and residual drug or drug first effects. This enhanced and extended evaluation of cannabis forbearance effects is especially timely given that the DSM-5 proposal for a cannabis withdrawal syndrome will increment recognition of this condition.

Materials and Methods


Male person cannabis smokers, ages xviii–65 years, were recruited to participate in a positron emission tomography (PET) imaging study evaluating cannabinoid CBi receptor density in brain; 2 PET scans were administered, one on Day 1 and one after approximately iv weeks of abstinence.19 Participants were required to be physically and psychologically salubrious. Additional inclusion criteria were cannabis smoking for at to the lowest degree one year and ≥5 days per week for the final six months, and a positive urine result for cannabinoids on admission. Exclusion criteria were history of any clinically significant medical or psychiatric affliction, ingestion of psychoactive medication within the preceding 28 days, history of head trauma with unconsciousness >10 min, recent radiation exposure, boilerplate of >vi alcoholic drinks per day four times per calendar week in the prior month, electric current physical dependence on whatsoever substance other than cannabis, nicotine, or caffeine, and interest in or participation in drug corruption handling within sixty days preceding study entry. The National Plant of Mental Health Institutional Review Board approved the study. Participants provided written informed consent, were compensated, and resided on the Johns Hopkins Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit (BPRU) under continuous medical supervision to ensure cannabis abstinence. Participants were searched for drugs upon admission and were not allowed to exit the unit of measurement or receive visitors, but could use cellular phones. Alcohol and illicit drugs were prohibited. Tobacco smoking was immune advertizement libitum in designated areas and was not straight monitored. BPRU is designed to accommodate prolonged residential stays, with television, internet admission, video games, and an outdoor recreational area. There were no physical activity restrictions. Participants ate meals self-selected from the hospital cafeteria bill of fare.

Cess of Abstinence Effects

Cannabis forbearance symptoms were evaluated daily between ix and 11am via a battery of v instruments: 1) Eleven 100-mm visual-analogue scales (VAS) anchored with "not at all" at the left end and "extremely" at the right end, assessed "expert drug effect," "high," "stoned, "stimulated," "sedated," "anxious," "depressed," "irritable," "restless," "craving for marijuana," and "angry/aggressive." 2) 30-7 five-signal Likert scales (Likert) measured sensory and physical symptoms associated with cannabinoid intoxication and withdrawal,20–21 including "difficulty concentrating," "contradistinct sense of time," "slowed or slurred speech," "trunk feels sluggish or heavy," "experience hungry," "feel thirsty," "shakiness/tremulousness," "nausea," "headache," "palpitations," "upset stomach," "giddy," and "dry mouth or throat," "shaky/tremulous," "decreased ambition," "diarrhea/loose stools," "nauseous," "sweating," "hiccups," "decreased sexual arousal," "stuffy nose," "foreign or vivid dreams," "hot flashes," chills," "increased appetite," "fatigue/tiredness," "yawning," "increased sexual arousal," "musculus aches or pains," "heaviness in limbs," "noises seem louder than usual," "talkative," "stomach hurting," "mellow," "clumsy," "muscle spasms," and "blurred vision." Responses were scored as 0 = none, 1 = slight, 2 = mild, iii = moderate, or four = severe. 3) St. Mary's Hospital Slumber Questionnaire (SMHSQ) contains fourteen items assessing participants' previous night'southward sleep duration and quality;22 4) Marijuana Craving Questionnaire (MCQ) consisted of 12 items measuring compulsivity, emotionality, expectancy, and purposefulness associated with cannabis peckish.23 Participants selected i selection along each line between 1 = strongly disagree and seven = strongly agree, regarding positively worded statements on cannabis craving; and 5) Symptom Checklist-90 revised (SCL-90R) consisted of 90 items assessing common physical and psychological symptoms. It generated 9 subscales measuring somatization, obsessive-compulsive behavior, feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, depression, feet, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, and psychoticism.24 Several subscales evaluated cannabis withdrawal symptoms (eastward.g., hostility, depression, anxiety). Responses were 0 = not at all, one = a piddling scrap, 2 = moderately, 3 = quite a bit, or four = extremely. Assistants of SCL-90R utilized the SCL-ninety-R® Q Local Scoring and Reporting Software, version 2.v.7 (Pearson Inc., Ontario, Canada). Order of questionnaire administration was consequent throughout the study.

Biological Specimen Drove and Assay

Following subjective measures, venous blood was collected in heparinized tubes and placed on ice until centrifugation within 2 h to carve up plasma. OF was nerveless with the Quantisal collection device (Immunalysis Inc., Pomona, CA). Plasma and OF specimens were stored at −twenty°C until analysis. Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC), and 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THCCOOH) in plasma and THC, CBD, CBN, and THCCOOH in OF were quantified according to previously published, validated two-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry methods.25–26 Limits of quantification (LOQ) in plasma were 0.125 ng/mL (THC and THCCOOH) and 0.25 ng/mL (11-OH-THC); OF LOQs were 0.5 ng/mL (THC and CBD), ane ng/mL (CBN), and vii.5 pg/mL (THCCOOH).

Statistical Analysis

Statistics were adamant with SAS version 9.two (SAS Plant, Cary, NC). Changes in ratings over time were evaluated with repeated measures mixed linear regression; outcome variables were converted to "change from admission," adamant as (score on each report day – score on access) to normalize data distributions. Admission was 24-hour interval 0. Length of stay (LOS) was included in all regression models as a covariate to evaluate changes over time in abstinence effects subsequently adjusting for duration of stay. Rating changes over time were not evaluated for Likert scale and SCL-90R items with overall occurrence frequency <v%. Post-hoc comparisons between Days one and 2–30 utilized Dunnett-Hsu adjustment to control type I error. Associations between symptom ratings and plasma and OF cannabinoid concentrations employed the non-parametric Spearman's correlation coefficient (ρ) due to skewed data distributions. MCQ scores were arithmetic means of all 12 MCQ ratings.

A cannabis withdrawal syndrome was considered present if a participant had at least 3 of the following vii symptoms: i) irritability, anger, or assailment, 2) nervousness or anxiety, 3) sleep difficulty (east.g., indisposition, strange/brilliant dreams), 4) decreased ambition or weight loss, 5) restlessness, vi) depression, and seven) at least one of the following physical symptoms: stomach pain, shakiness/tremors, sweating, chills, or headache. This mirrors Criterion B of the proposed DSM-five syndrome ( Two levels of symptom intensity were evaluated: any symptoms reported (i.e., whatsoever rating ≥1) and symptoms of at least moderate intensity (VAS ≥thirty mm, based on VAS ≥30 equivalent to moderate pain intensity).28 The latter evaluation was called to reverberate Criterion C of the proposed DSM-5 syndrome, i.e., that withdrawal symptoms cause clinically pregnant distress or harm.

Two types of analyses assessed the internal validity of participants' responses (Supplemental Cloth 1). Get-go, reply consistency to each fellow member of 9 pairs of items was evaluated by 2x2 contingency tables after conversion to dichotomous variables (nowadays, absent). Second, associations between each member of 14 pairs of items scored on ordinal or continuous scales were evaluated with the Spearman's ρ. This internal validity analysis utilized data from 24-hour interval 2 (later on 48 h on the research unit of measurement) to minimize the influence of anxiety resulting from admission to an unfamiliar residential environment and yet include all participants. All results with ii-tailed P <0.05 were considered pregnant.



Thirty male person chronic cannabis smokers resided on the closed inquiry unit of measurement for 2–33 days. Data from Days 31–33 (ane participant) were non included in the analysis. One participant's data were excluded from all analyses considering of high ratings on mutually sectional pairs of variables (data not shown), resulting in a final sample size of 29. Participants remaining on the airtight research unit of measurement after 1 week were 79%, ii weeks 66%, iii weeks 45%, and four weeks 34%; median and mean LOS were 18 days. Reasons for early withdrawal included family emergencies, homesickness, job offers, and discharge for behavioral issues and protocol noncompliance. No participant withdrew because of self-reported symptomatic discomfort. One to four participants resided on the BPRU at any in one case. Participants' demographic characteristics and self-reported drug use histories are reported in Table i. Participants had normal psychological ratings (SCL-90R) at screening (Tabular array 1) and throughout the written report (data not shown).

Tabular array 1

Demographic characteristics, self-reported drug utilise history, and admission Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations in plasma and oral fluid of 29 chronic cannabis smokers

Age, years 28.five ± 7.8 (19–52)
Race, % African American 86.ii
Age at anest cannabis smoking, years 14.6 ± three.i (half dozen–22)
Amount of cannabis smoking, joints/day 9.9 ± half-dozen.3 (i–30)
Days cannabis-smoked in by 14 days thirteen.3 ± i.0 (10–14)
Duration of cannabis smoking, years 11.6 ± 7.six (four–38)
Current cannabis dependence (DSM-Iv) 79.3
Oral fluid THC on admission, ng/mL 26.7 ± 41.iv (0–205)
% positive 86.two
Plasma THC on admission, ng/mL five.4 ± five.7 (0–31)
% positive 96.6
Tobacco smokers, % 82.8
Corporeality spent on tobacco prior to written reporta, Us $/day ii.i–2.6 ± 2.0–2.five (0–11.3)
Corporeality spent on tobacco per written report dayb, US $ ii.three ± three.1 (0–14.five)
Days of booze apply to intoxication in by thirty days 2.6 ± (0–15)
Substance of choice, % cannabis 93.i
Amount spent on drugs in past thirty days, US $ 387.4 ± 424.6 (40–2000)
Treatment for drug abuse, % participants ever treated 6.9

Symptom Checklist-xc Revised Raw score T-scoreb

 Somatization 0.18 ± 0.20 46 ± ix
 Obsessive-compulsive 0.38 ± 0.35 52 ± 8
 Interpersonal sensitivity 0.20 ± 0.24 49 ± eight
 Depression 0.36 ± 0.twoscore 52 ± xi
 Anxiety 0.13 ± 0.twenty 47 ± eight
 Hostility 0.24 ± 0.31 49 ± 9
 Phobic anxiety 0.04 ± 0.xi 49 ± half dozen
 Paranoid ideation 0.48 ± 0.48 53 ± 10
 Psychoticism 0.17 ± 0.23 53 ± 9

Psychological or Sensory Symptoms

Afterward controlling for LOS, craving for cannabis decreased significantly over time equally measured by ways of the MCQ total scores (F=5.38, P=0.021), while VAS craving showed no significant change (Effigy i; Table two). Anxiety and irritability (VAS) decreased significantly over time (Effigy 1, Table ii), with no significant difference between Day 1 and subsequent days (all P's >0.05). Acrimony/aggression, depression, and restlessness (all VAS; Table 2) showed no time-dependent changes.

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Table 2

Frequency and severity of cannabis abstinence symptoms reported past 29 developed chronic cannabis smokers during two–thirty days of monitored abstinencea.

Symptoms Prevalence (%)
Totalb (Moderate-Severec)
Modify over timed Days dissimilar from Day 1f Proposed DSM-5g
F (P) Directione
Likert Experience thirsty 35.9 (2.9) 14.62 (0.0001) 8, 12, 17–xix, 23
Dry oral cavity/throat 25.6 (0.five) 21.54 (<0.0001) viii, 11, eighteen, 19, 25, 29
Feel hungry 23.8 ( 18.96 (<0.0001) 4, 8, 11–16, 19, 21, 22
Mellow 20.3 (3.1) 23.98 (<0.0001) 3–ix, 11–23, 25–29
Increased appetite 18.0 (2.0) 0.13 (0.72)
Increased sexual arousal 15.2 ( 0.03 (0.87)
Strange/vivid dreams 14.3 (4.9) 11.59 (0.0007) None
Yawning 13.1 (0.four) one.20 (0.27)
Fatigue/tiredness 12.3 (0.5) 0.10 (0.76)
Talkative 11.three (0.0) ane.07 (
Feel sluggish/heavy x.0 (0.5) two.01 (0.16)
Decreased ambition 7.4 (0.five) 12.35 (0.0005) 4–19, 21, 22, 25–27
Musculus aches/pains half dozen.7 (0.2) 0.22 (0.64)
Sweating 4.0 (0.ii)
Headache 3.4 (0.4)
Chills 2.5 (0.0)
Stomach pain 1.half dozen (0.0)
Shakiness/tremulousness 0.5 (0.0)

VAS Craving for marijuana 48.8 (half dozen.ii) ane.thirteen (0.29)
Irritable 36.8 (2.2) 4.77 (0.03) None
Restless 26.8 (2.4) one.91 (0.17)
Angry/aggressive 36.3 (1.iii) 1.18 (0.28)
Depressed 31.0 (0.2) 0.20 (0.66)
Broken-hearted 28.7 (2.2) 8.35 (0.004) None
High 27.0 (0.7) five.89 (0.016) three, half dozen–15, 17, 18
Stimulated 27.0 (0.9) five.48 (0.020) 5–vii, 13, 15–xix
Skilful drug effect 25.half dozen ( 1.92 (0.17)
Sedated 25.4 (0.2) two.93 (0.087)
Stoned 24.7 (0.four) 0.36 (0.55)

SMHSQ Depth of slumber 15.85 (<0.0001) 4, 6, 8–12, 14–18, xx–22, 25–28
Frequency of waking vi.94 (0.0087) None
Slumber quality 0.79 (0.37)
Morning drowsiness 0.44 (0.51)
Sleep satisfaction 0.05 (0.82)
Early waking iii.14 (0.077)
Difficulty getting off to sleep seven.29 (0.0072) None
Hours of slumber 1.59 (0.21)
Slumber latency 0.51 (0.47)

Subjective effects reflecting possible residual effects of cannabis (rather than withdrawal) were always greatest on admission. "Loftier," "stimulated,""mellow," "dry out mouth/throat," "experience hungry," and "experience thirsty" ratings all decreased significantly over fourth dimension (Figures one2; Table 2). Other ratings did not change significantly (Tabular array 2). "Feel hungry," "mellow," "high," and "stimulated" ratings became significantly dissimilar from Day 1 on Days 3–5, whereas "feel thirsty" and "dry mouth/throat" were not significantly different until Day eight (Tabular array ii). Severity of symptoms was generally mild to moderate.

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Physical Symptoms

A few sleep variables increased significantly over time (e.g., strange/brilliant dreams, difficulty getting to sleep, and depth of sleep), while frequency of waking decreased significantly (Table 2). Depth of sleep ratings were significantly higher starting on 24-hour interval 4 compared to Day 1 (Table 2). There were no pregnant fourth dimension-dependent changes in other sleep variables, including sleep latency and nighttime sleep elapsing. Decreased appetite declined significantly over time, starting on Mean solar day iv (Figure 2, Tabular array 2). The prevalence of other physical symptoms was too depression to evaluate changes over time (Tabular array 2). As with psychological/sensory symptoms, severity of physical symptoms was typically mild to moderate.

Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome

Applying a cutoff to include whatsoever reported symptoms [≥1 for VAS items, ≥1 (slight) for Likert items, and ≥2 (some) for the SMHSQ "difficulty getting off to slumber" detail], 11 (38%) participants met DSM-5 surrogate diagnostic criteria for cannabis withdrawal syndrome on access, increasing to xvi (55%), 11 (38%), and 15 (56%) on Days i–3, respectively. During Days four–thirty, twenty–50% participants met these criteria. Applying a stricter cutoff (symptoms with at to the lowest degree moderate intensity [≥30 for VAS items and ≥3 (moderate or a lot) for Likert or SMHSQ items]), 3 (10%) participants met the diagnostic criteria on access, and ane or 2 participants intermittently met the criteria on Days 1–2, 12–13, and 15–16.

Association of Cannabis Abstinence Effects with Plasma and OF Cannabinoid Concentrations

On admission, expected rest drug effects were positively correlated with plasma THC and eleven-OH-THC and OF THC: plasma THC vs. "loftier" (ρ=0.42, P=0.023); plasma xi-OH-THC vs. "loftier" (ρ=0.40, P=0.033), "hungry" (ρ=0.42, P=0.024), "dry rima oris" (ρ=0.38, P=0.042), and "thirsty" (ρ=0.41, P=0.026); and OF THC vs. "high" (ρ=0.42, P=0.025). Expected withdrawal furnishings, "difficulty getting off to sleeping" and "anxious," were negatively correlated with plasma THC (ρ=−0.40, P=0.032) and OF CBN (ρ=−0.twoscore, P=0.033), respectively. Later on admission through 24-hour interval 30, there were no clinically significant correlations betwixt plasma and OF cannabinoid concentrations and cannabis abstinence effects.

Median plasma THC gradually decreased from 4.1 ng/mL on admission to 2.7, ane.ii, and 0.7 ng/mL on Days 1, 7, and 14, respectively. Sixty-nine percent of plasma specimens after Day 14 were THC-positive (all concentrations ≤2.8 ng/mL). Plasma 11-OH-THC, OF THC, and OF CBN declined more chop-chop, with medians <LOQ on Days ii, i, and admission, respectively. One or two participants were occasionally positive for plasma xi-OH-THC on Days 12–nineteen and for OF THC on Days 4–28, with concentrations ≤3 ng/mL. OF CBN was not detected after admission.

No clinically pregnant correlations were found betwixt cannabis abstinence effects on admission and participants' cannabis use history (historic period at first use, amount smoked per day, and lifetime years of use) (data not shown).


Symptoms oftentimes reported on admission (dry oral cavity and feeling high, mellow, stimulated, hungry, and thirsty) probably reflect residual drug intoxication because: 1) they are typical of cannabis intoxication,29 rather than withdrawal, ii) were positively correlated with plasma and OF cannabinoid concentrations on admission but not on afterward days, and 3) significantly decreased over time (Table 2). The findings advise that plasma and OF cannabinoid tests can exist culling monitoring tools to evaluate balance drug effects, in place of the urine testing commonly employed in cannabis abstinence studies.13–xiv However, it should exist noted that the human relationship between subjective effects and OF THC/CBN concentrations is temporal rather than causal, because the master source of those parent cannabinoids in OF is oral fissure contamination from drug-laden cannabis smoke.17

Symptoms related to balance cannabis effects were more than prevalent in our Likert scales, while symptoms related to cannabis withdrawal occurred more ofttimes in our VAS (Table 2). The results reflect that cannabis withdrawal symptoms are primarily psychological.7 Our Likert scales mainly measured sensory and physical symptoms whereas our VAS assessed psychological furnishings.

While xx–56% of participants met Criterion B of the proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for cannabis withdrawal syndrome, ≤10% met the criteria with at least moderate intensity. Anxiety was greatest on admission and decreased thereafter, (Figure 1), a time grade similar to that observed in a prior 10-24-hour interval inpatient report.12 Irritability as well decreased over time, with evidence of longer duration; mean ratings were highest on Day two, although post-hoc analysis showed no significant difference among days, likely due to adjusted alpha error thresholds with multiple comparisons (Effigy 1). Conversely, in outpatient studies, feet and irritability increased from baseline for 12–27 days, peaking within 9 days.13–fourteen Decreased appetite similarly had a shorter duration compared to an outpatient setting (3 vs. 12 days).14 During inpatient abstinence after iv days of smoked cannabis assistants, anxiety and irritability peaked on the fourth (final) day of abstinence; decreased food intake also persisted for iv days.eleven

Cannabis craving significantly decreased from admission, with big inter-field of study variability (Figure ane). Prior inpatient12 and outpatientxxx studies also establish substantial individual variability in craving intensity. On the other manus, some underlying participant characteristic such as motivation for study participation or susceptibility to distress in a closed environs could have affected both craving and length of stay. As with other studies,8, 12, 14, xxx craving for cannabis showed the highest intensity and prevalence among all psychological withdrawal symptoms (Tabular array 2).

These fourth dimension course and intensity differences suggest that cannabis withdrawal phenomena could vary depending on the surroundings in which forbearance occurs. Indeed, the overall withdrawal profile in this study most closely resembled that of a prior inpatient written report with abstinence conditions similar to ours (closed setting with no experimental cannabis smoking menstruum prior to abstinence initiation).12 Undergoing forbearance in a closed research unit devoid of cannabis-associated stimuli could take contributed to the shorter elapsing and lower prevalence of withdrawal effects compared to outpatient studies.13–xiv College cessation rates from opiates31 and alcohol apply32 also were observed in inpatient compared to outpatient conditions in which withdrawal symptoms were one of the main reasons for relapse. When inpatient abstinence was followed by cannabis smoking on a research unit,9, 11 a college intensity of withdrawal symptoms could take been observed due to associations between the research environs and cannabis use. In 2 inpatient studies,ix, 33 cannabis withdrawal symptoms were observed afterward cannabis smoking for 21 and 28 days, but not during the pre-smoking abstinence period.

Strange/vivid dreams and difficulty getting off to sleep increased over fourth dimension. This is similar to a 45-solar day outpatient study, in which strange dreams peaked on Day ix and did non render to baseline, while sleep difficulty lasted for 12 days.14 Loftier prevalence of sleep dysfunction as well occurred among dependent cannabis smokers during 2-weeks of forbearance.34 Alternatively, results could reverberate drug offset furnishings in which participants' pre-existing sleep bug are unmasked by cessation of cannabis utilise. While difficulty getting off to sleep showed significant increase over fourth dimension, sleep latency did not. This could be due to differences between actual time to fall comatose and participants' perception of sleep latency.

This written report has several limitations. First, it lacks precise information on the interval since participants' final cannabis smoking, which limits the ability to aspect observed symptoms to withdrawal furnishings vs. residuum drug effects and possibly underestimates effect duration. However, 26 (90%) participants last smoked cannabis within 48 h of admission, based on self-written report at admission and/or OF cannabinoid concentrations applied to previously published cutoff criteria.17 Furthermore, on admission, all participants were positive for THCCOOH (information not shown) and all just ane participant (who reported smoking only 1 joint daily) was THC-positive in plasma. All participants as well reported 5–7 day/calendar week smoking at the fourth dimension of screening (Table ane), making it likely that all had smoked within 48 h of access. Second, residing in a closed, unfamiliar environment and living nether a standardized schedule could accept influenced the effects reported by our participants. Third, sample size decreased over time. While LOS was controlled for in statistical analyses, the findings should be interpreted cautiously due to potentially confounding factors (e.g., possible early dropout related to withdrawal severity). Fourth, tobacco smoking could have influenced abstinence symptom severity. Frequency of tobacco utilise over fourth dimension was not monitored; however, average daily amount of money spent on cigarettes during the study was comparable to the amount spent prior to report admission (Tabular array 1). Finally, external validity is express because the report population included only healthy adult, predominantly African-American males without any significant psychiatric, medical, or substance abuse co-morbidity. Considering the history and severity of cannabis withdrawal correlates positively with psychiatric symptom severity,3, xxx our psychologically healthy participants may provide an underestimate of the overall prevalence and severity of cannabis withdrawal.

In conclusion, the present study comprehensively investigated possible cannabis withdrawal symptoms, residual cannabis effects, and drug offset furnishings for 2–30 days of monitored abstinence in a closed residential setting. Our findings provide important data for developing and managing inpatient dependence handling for chronic, frequent cannabis smokers. Symptoms were more often than not more intense around access, suggesting the need for early intervention to avoid drib out. Most furnishings with significant time-dependent changes had ratings lower than at access within four days. However, sleep disturbance may persist for an extended menstruation, suggesting that medications to improve sleep could be a valuable adjunct in treating cannabis dependence.35 We too reported that plasma and OF cannabinoid concentrations were significantly correlated with some balance cannabis effects and withdrawal symptoms on admission only non on later on days. Plasma and OF cannabinoid testing may serve equally a valuable tool to monitor remainder drug furnishings and/or to identify recent smoking exposure.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material S1


This research was funded by the Intramural Research Programs, National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute of Mental Health, NIH. The authors acknowledge the contributions of the clinical staff of the Intramural Enquiry Program, National Institute on Drug Abuse, and Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, also as the Graduate Partnership Programme, NIH.


Declaration of Interest

The authors written report no conflicts of interest. The authors solitary are responsible for the content and writing of this paper.


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